Our Virtual Art Gallery: Now Open 24/7

Welcome to the Loft

We’re a gallery focused on the creations of young adults. Our instructors, Ms. Lind and Ms. Pichette, give our artists the resources and guidance needed for to achieve proficiency in nearly all forms of visual art. Students develop a wide range of skill sets from our selection of visual arts courses, in addition to the opportunities presented by the Art Pathway. You may know our gallery’s physical location as Exeter-West Greenwich Regional High School, but it has just recently gone virtual! Bringing our art to the digital world will enable more ways for it to be seen and admired.

Website Pages and More

Fans of the Art Loft can now follow our Twitter and refer to the calendar on our Events page to keep updated with the latest information and events concerning our gallery. The Blog page will be used to share announcements like this one, and articles written by us. The creation of our Art Pathway page has given students and families interested in our pathway an easy way to learn more, and to view the art of pathway students past and present. Our Gallery page is rich with beautiful art from students and staff, organized by exhibition. Unlike a traditional gallery, our art can now be seen statewide, and even worldwide, within seconds. Exhibitions are never deleted from our website, and will be available for everyone to access even months after they’ve been uploaded. Using our Contact page, you can now request for your original art to be displayed in our gallery, simply through email. Our email is open to anyone to send questions, concerns, recommendations, and more.

We hope that you spread the word about our gallery, and enjoy the magnificent art that our gallery’s artists share!

The Future…

There are many more features to come, stay tuned!


The Muse: February 2021 Issue